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Jeanne Kolenda

   Uncle Bruce

Give Us ANY Motivated Marketer

Who Needs More Professional Clients

And In Just 24 Hours They'll Know

How To Make Pet Care Pros, Like Veterinarians, DESPERATE To Hire Them.

Today's "Pet Care Services" face more constraints and pressures than ever. They have to work longer hours or see more patients/pets...

The majority of their patients are un-insured and their cash flow is the most seriously threatened it's ever been.

What Pet Care Professionals Don't Know:

That A Properly Trained Marketing Consultant Can Erase Many Of These Issues Confronting Veterinarians and other Pet Care Services.

Getting more customers/patients, getting better paying patients, defending their marketplace against other animal hospitals, and growing their referrals and their branding are all possible...

You can EXPLOIT What Smart Consultants Have Discovered To Land Veterinarians & Pet Care Professionals in 2024.

Our Tested Approach Gives You Access To The Best Veterinarian & Pet Care Prospects With Less Work, Less Stress And Higher ROI Than Ever Before!

And who wouldn't want to work with an industry that is growing by leaps and bounds?

"I met Jeanne in 2012 at a Local Marketing event in Las Vegas, and I was blown away at what she was accomplishing as a beginner on a local level. I've watched her grow and absolutely CRUSH it with her marketing skills. Her training courses over the years have added so much value to offline marketing. We did several courses together, and whatever she puts out, you should rest assured, it will be GOOD and bring value."

Brian Anderson

"Bruce has been a valued advisor to our company for many years. In fact some of my earliest clients came as a result of his copy and coaching. If he's involved in a product or service, you'd be wise to grab it asap..." ~Tom Gaddis Founder, Offline Sharks

Tom Gaddis

Why Veterinarians & Pet Care Professionals?

You May Be Shocked, But...

The Pet Care market is the PERFECT market for marketing agencies to prosper...since it has some of the most QUALITY prospects you'll ever meet...and they are some of the easiest and friendliest to deal with.

Veterinarians, in particular, are not just trying a business out...they're not only committed for right now, they're not ready to jump to something else, if their practice is floundering...


Succeed and They Know It!

(Jeanne Getting Ready To Ride Candy Bob!)

Let's talk about Veterinarians for a minute...

You may say, but aren't all Veterinarians already wildly successful?

Don't be fooled by those relatively prosperous and busy Veterinarians you see around...

"The public does not realize how competitive Veterinary Animal Hospitals have become. It's brutal, and getting worse."

"New graduates coming out of Veterinary Schools are buried in debt and have to build a practice from scratch. I don't envy them..."

     ~Comments from an established Veterinarian in Georgia

Yes, established Veterinarians are doing well, BUT, the market is adding new Veterinarian grads all over the country.

The US Veterinary Services market accounted for USD 21.83 billion in 2022 and is expected to surpass USD 47.92 Billion by 2035, growing at a rate of over 6.29% between 2023 and 2035.

There are 48,487 Veterinary Services businesses in the US as of 2023.

According to a report published in Bureau of Labor Standards, there are currently 78,220 veterinarian jobs in the United States.

The Veterinary industry in the US is labor intensive which means businesses are more reliant on labor than capital. The highest costs for business in the Veterinary Services industry in the US as a percentage of revenue are Wages (36.6%)...

In 2023, the Pet Industry Reached Almost $147.0 Billion (American Pet Products Association) According to a report published by the APPA, despite the ongoing restrictions in the past by COVID-19, the pet industry in America exceeded $130 billion in 2023.

Those figures include, dog trainers, dog walking, pet sitting, pet boarding, dog groomers, pet stores, and more...

As reported in a post on Care Credit, most veterinarians charge approximately $50-$280 for general vet care checkups in 2023.

This sort of check refers to a basic physical exam. Some vets will also offer a scheme that includes vaccines in an initial new animal checkup.

According to Pawlicy Advisor, dental diseases can be really expensive for pet owners.

For example...

Teeth cleaning: $300 to $700

Root canals: $1,500 to $3,000

Periodontal disease: $1900

AND keep in mind most pet owners do NOT have insurance for their pets...which means Veterinarians also need to worry about credit arrangements and collecting fees!

(Leon Watching Braves Game With April)

As to earnings, the average Veterinarian salary is $120,000 and it takes 8 years (in total) to complete a vet degree. However, that includes a four-year undergraduate course, which then allows you to complete a final four-year vet degree course.

The Veterinary industry in the US has low market share concentration and the largest business is Vca Inc...so that means mostly independent one-owner Animal Hospitals...which is easier for consultants to prospect and follow-up with.

During the 2022-23 academic year, there were 26,596 students enrolled in veterinary education programs, up from 26,228 the prior year. The class of 2022 had 2,745 New Graduates, up from 2,600 in 2021-2022.

So, almost 3,000 new Veterinarians a year and most needing to start their practice ASAP.

(Yes, some will seek employment working for other Veterinarians & large Animal Hospitals, but if trends hold, most of those end up going out on their own.)

Even worse, some experts are saying trends indicate a potential surplus of Veterinarians in the coming years!

So Veterinarian Competition IS Getting More & More Intense!

These new Veterinarians usually have enormous debt and are faced with building a loyal practice...FROM SCRATCH.

And remember they spent years in college and Veterinary school learning about Veterinary medicine, NOT marketing.

Honestly, many HATE marketing, and feel like its beneath them.

AND, with no marketing, newer Veterinary practices...

Have Little Chance Of Success!

...and that's where you and I come in. We can help these newer veterinarians break through all the competition and plant their own flag in the market.

BUT, That's Not ALL...

The same dynamic marketing strategies we use for established Veterinarians and newer Veterinarians work like gangbusters for boarding kennels, dog trainers, dog walkers, pet sitting, dog groomers and more...

**Take Boarding Kennel Owners. It's a big business in the US and growing as more pet owners travel and need a safe place to keep their pets while away.

Dog kennels cost an average of $60 per night. There are 9,000 boarding kennels across the US and Canada. This is a pet niche that is quite competitive and would benefit from marketing...

**And Dog Trainers are a red hot specialty. More and more owners want their dog to follow commands and be easier to live with.

There are currently over 6,872 dog trainers employed in the United States. The global PET Training market was estimated at USD 4016.69 million, and it's anticipated to reach USD 5756.18 million in 2028.

**Another growing subset of animal care is Dog Walkers.

There are over 15,000 dog walkers in the United States. The average pay for the job is $15.11 per hour, which translates to $31,428 per year.

**Another great market is Pet Sitters.

There are approximately 35,000 pet sitters in the U.S. Most pet sitters work independently and offer their services on a self-employed basis, although there are a few businesses, including some franchised businesses.

**Pet Groomers are part of this Pet Services Niche.

The U.S. pet grooming services market is expected to reach USD 6 billion in 2026, growing at a rate of 5% during the forecast period. Again, competition is becoming more intense in this pet niche.

ALL of these niche pet services markets can benefit from Tailored Marketing Programs and the assistance of marketing consultants. Combined with the opportunities to work with new and existing Animal Hospitals and Veterinarians, the Pet Care Industry is the PERFECT target for ambitious marketers today!

PLUS, it's less competitive and much easier to reach decision makers. It's always a good idea to go where the growth is!

We've figured out how to cover all the pet service opportunities and...

Bring In MAJOR Fees

Every Month!

This Is What You Can Do

Any motivated consultant can get that first Pet Services Pro client paying you at least $300 to $600/month in the first 35-45 days. Just ONE client in a month and a half is VERY realistic.

THEN, get 3 clients in 60 days which is at least $2,000/month total and another 3 Clients in 90 Days total which comes to 3,500/month total.

How is this possible? Because we are not trying to squeeze huge fees out of these providers AND because once you nail this process down you can become a “go to” provider...one that many Vet businesses and others want to work with. Also, getting clients gets much easier after the first one.

The Numbers Don't Lie...

It Just Takes The Will

To Start and Not Quit

I create software for SEO and have hundreds of buyers and students. I've been recommending Jeanne Kolenda's training and social media expertise for many years. Her marketing chops are WAY above most, and I always know my clients will get the best of the best when Jeanne and her team are involved. Patrick Tuttle ~~ The Ranking Store

Patrick Tuttle

(Melissa, Jeanne's Daughter, With Her Nephew's Dog - Ranger!)

This strong demand by good veterinarians for marketing help, shouldn't really come as a surprise.

Many big veterinarian marketing companies are working for the giant animal hospitals (and the veterinarian chains)...That's more proof these big players wouldn't exist if veterinarians weren't willing to pay for help.

BUT, no one is focusing on the smaller veterinarian and specialty animal doctors and newer practices. There really is a goldmine here, with little competition.

What we find is most of these Veterinarians would RATHER work with a small local marketing agency - just like yours!


And Pet Care Professionals!

Forget all the little 'golden rules' that never seem to work...and apologizing for taking up their time.

Forget the grueling cold calling everybody says is necessary. It's not.

Forget trying to convince the most successful veterinarians they need your help...

FORGET IT ALL. None of that makes an ounce of difference and never has.

You can be as nice as pie, and still never get anywhere. Sure, you can land some

well-established Veterinarians... BUT the real gold is in the newer practices and the specialty Veterinarians.

Hey, back in the day, we absolutely believed there was a standard accepted process and focused on the big Animal Hospitals and franchises for pet services...

We thought, 'there's more money there, must be a better target?' Right? WRONG

Here's the thing, guys: It's just not true.

The dismal results you're probably getting from going after Veterinarians in the past...

Are Now Solvable!

What You Get Paid Is A Function Of WHO You Speak To...Not What You Sell.

Our success comes down to 3 simple things:

  •  WHO We Target

  •  How We Reach Out

  •  WHAT We Offer

  • And you'll be happy to know that's EXACTLY what we teach YOU. If you can copy and paste our material, and have an hour to review our training manual...

    You're IN!

    Get those 3 simple steps right and your results will go through the roof...they literally can hit the clouds and be headed for the moon...

    BUT, get it wrong by ignoring our hard-earned advice and you'll slog through poor results, endless frustration and maybe even give up.

    And that's a real shame since, like the marathon runner only steps from the finish line, you're closer than you think to discovering how to land these 'Golden' Veterinary clients.

    Get ready for a truly refreshing perspective on Marketing to Veterinarians and to Pet Care Niches...


    I've known Jeanne Kolenda for over 10 years. We have taught large courses together internationally like the last one we did in Barcelona, Spain. She's one of the most remarkable creative marketers that I've ever known. I would recommend her products to my close friends and family and I already have. I sent this link to my friend Allen Getta in New York and recommended that he buy this! 

    Steven Lloyd ~~ HeroProTools.com

    NOW, you can borrow the same secrets Jeanne & I developed and are using right now!

    You’re going to be given a fool-proof Pet Care Prospecting and Marketing system that allows ANYONE to pump out attention-grabbing marketing campaigns.

    ...NOW you'll quickly contact prime Veterinarians and other Pet Care businesses who meet our profit criterion AND...

    Discover the secret combination that unlocks this special door and hands you marketing mastery...so you can finally...grow your agency AND your profits.

    Why Veterinary and Pet Care Business Prospects Are Magnetically

    Attracted To Our Offer!

    Let's be cold hard realists for a minute.

    We know Veterinarians and clients in general only want one thing:

    As long as it's legal, and hopefully moral, they're OK with it...and that's understandable. They also don't care about the details, and they definitely don't want to see the 'sausage being made,' as they say.

    (Melissa Holding Jeanne's Dog - April)

    The reason Veterinarians warm up to our approach is because we can bring them...

  • Predictable Results

  • Repeatable Outcomes

  • An INSANE Risk To Reward

  • The process we're teaching is NOT a theory - it's been proven and now is predictable so no time or money is wasted.

    STOP Worrying Where Your

    Next Client Is Coming From!

    This fool-proof Pet Care marketing system delivers good clients like Dominos delivers steaming hot pizzas.

    But, First This POLITE WARNING:

    Pet Profits definitely is NOT for all marketers...

    It's NOT for marketers who want to sell poorly performing services to desperate Veterinarians.

    It's NOT for marketers who want to trick uninformed Veterinarians into bogus offers...

    It's NOT for marketers who want to sell smoke and mirrors instead of solid services...

    It is ONLY for honest marketers who want quality appointments from veterinarians and other pet care industries who need what you have....and for these marketers, this new Pet Care marketing system is a like a breath of fresh air.

    After just one afternoon of reviewing this training, and once you execute our process, your business revenue can really start to grow!

    The genius of this is made even better by the evergreen nature of this that works week after week, month after month for as long as you desire...nearly all on autopilot.

    See, the key to succeeding in today’s crazy marketing consultant environment is to know how to essentially “neutralize” the competition.

    Once you learn these Marketing strategies, clients get easier to win and eventually...

    Can Turn Into A Flood Of Opportunities!

    I purchased a course from Jeanne over ten years ago and was really impressed with it. Jeanne has a great down to earth nature that is easy to get used to. Her personal touch in her business gave me the opportunity to get to interact with her enough to become friends with her. Jeanne is a great asset to me as a friend and as a business leader. She has great integrity and deserves the great trust and admiration her clients have for her. I will continue to support Jeanne not only because I've learned so much from her about social media, but more importantly I like how she treats people.

     Greg Viner~~ LocalOnlineExpert.com

    When we say we train you, we're not kidding...

    Just take a look at some of what you'll discover:

    **The "2 Worlds of Veterinarians" NO one talks about. (this will open your eyes as to who to market to most.)

    **What Veterinarians really think of marketers - and Veterinarians who use them.

    **What niche within a niche is mostly eager to talk to you. (and why you would be better off starting there.)

    **The Veterinarian niche that simply has no choice but to market.

    **The ONE ENTITY that is making competition much worse in Veterinary business ..and much better for YOU.

    **Some Veterinarians are employees of other Veterinarians...can they ever be a client of yours?

    **What's each patient worth to a Veterinarian over a lifetime? The amount will surprise you.

    **There are Veterinarian Practice Management companies...are they your competition? We explain.

    **The math computation that lets Veterinarians know you understand their business, immediately. (We teach you these simple numbers.)

    **If Veterinarians market their practice right, their income can exceed a medical surgeon's. (But most fall far short of that.)

    **Why targeting the RIGHT Veterinarians solves half your problem. (Ignoring this is why consultants struggle).

    **The checklist you MUST follow so you get the right Veterinarians...without this, you'll waste too much time.

    **If a Veterinarian is not advertising online, they're not worth pursuing, right? (don't make this mistake.)

    **Will the Veterinarian's website tell you much about them as a client?...what about their Facebook page? Here's the answer.

    **What if the Veterinarian has NO online reputation - Good or Bad? (how to interpret that)

    **Can you find the Patient Intake Form online? A certain type of Veterinarian will have this and it's a clue for you.

    **Using a multi-pronged strategy to reach out to Veterinarians...even ONE strategy can bring you all you need.

    **IMPORTANT! The little known local government website that provides a daily list of new businesses.

    **Why becoming a 'Veterinarian niche specialist' changes the whole game...lets you charge MORE than competition.

    **The 'rejection proof' conversation that closes like crazy!

    **How to bypass the gatekeeper IF you choose to go direct....but you don't have to.

    **The simple way to explain yourself using Questions, NEVER a pitch. (so powerful, you must read this).

    **You will NOT re-pitch anyone in person or on the phone who says 'not interested'.

    I'm just getting started with all you'll discover!

    **Big regional Animal Hospitals can make a local marketing agency like yours a small fortune...BUT they won't be your client!

    **We designed our system to follow Dan Kennedy's advice about 'Messaging and Markets'...In just minutes, you'll see why.

    **If you use the largest professional social network we use (NOT Facebook), you may never need any other method. Period.

    **WATCH OUT! Be careful not to send too many invitations per day with this professonal social network...or you'll have problems.

    **Your "Thanks for connecting with me" email should closely follow ours, word-for-word. Not salesy, only friendly, since it works.

    **Discover our way to find New Veterinary Practices that have just created an LLC, Corp, Partnership … Literally within DAYS of when they signed the dotted line!

    **Access Daily Data of any New Veterinary practice owners in MULTIPLE STATES so that your lead-stream of Most Motivated Future Clients will never run dry.

    **Automatic ‘Triggers’ that notify you instantly when ANY new business is about to have a Grand-Opening…

    **Use THIS SECRET CODE to trick Google into forking over Ready and Eager Brand New Veterinary Business Leads…

    **Get access to our HUGE Social Media Posts just for the Veterinary Industry...It would cost $1000s to create all this, and it's included at No Extra Cost.

    **We use cold email the way you take an aspirin to relieve a headache. It's pretty fast relief for landing a prospect Veterinarian.

    **The 8-Step System we use to craft the best email possible (with the highest conversion rate)...

    There's MORE, MUCH MORE you'll see when you get inside. This may be our most comprehensive marketing product yet...There is nothing else like this that supports the consultant AND assists Veterinarians and Pet Care Pros today!

    This is available by Instant Download as soon as you order:

  •  30 Veterinarian Images and Comment Sheet

  •  30 Dog Grooming Images and Comment Sheet

  •  30 Cat Grooming Images and Comment Sheet

  •  30 Dog Training Images and Comment Sheet

  •  30 Dog Images and Comment Sheet

  •  30 Pet Hotel Images and Comment Sheet

  •  30 Exotic Pet Images and Comment Sheet

  • Plus...

  •  82 Page Marketing Manual For Veterinarians (PDF) - $67 Value

  •  Report on Market / Size / Dollars / Competition

  •  Short Reports For Your Agency

  •  Short Reports For Pet Service Businesses

  •  Email Templates

  •  Prospecting Letters

  •  Agreements and Forms

  •  50 Blog Articles - 10 Pet Hotel, 10 Pet Training, 10 Pet Training, 10 Pet Store, and 10 Veterinarian

  •  Tumblr Training Manual - A training manual for marketers about Tumblr involves covering various aspects of the platform to ensure they understand its functionalities and how to effectively leverage it for marketing purposes.

  •  Tumblr Ad Templates

  •  Canva Training

  •  100 Facebook Ads (20 Each For Veterinarians, Pet Grooming, Pet Training, Pet Stores, Pet Hotels/Boarding)

  •  25 Facebook Ad Templates

  •  Veterinarian Divi Website Theme

  •  Divi Training On How To Use Theme

  • You're getting a total value today of $1760

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    Click Here To Check Out The Live Website Demo!

    Check Out These Gorgeous Social Posts:

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    Why Content Advisor for Tumblr?

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    Ready to elevate your Tumblr game? Hit the "BUY NOW" button to join the

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    Your audience awaits!

    We'll say right now, you cannot put a price on this kind of marketing power directed at the lucrative Pet Care Market.

    Can you see why we spent so much time perfecting this and worked so hard to bring it to you? There's nothing else like it anywhere.

    This is a Startling Breakthrough So Unexpected, and so desperately needed, it can change your Local Marketing career as soon as you get started.

    You'll discover what it's like to be the most IN-DEMAND marketing consultant in town and earn fees many others only dream about.

    You'll also accomplish this in the most professional and dignified way possible.


    It's important for us to be clear about one thing...

    We want you to succeed and will do everything possible to make that happen. Of course you'll do your part, but helping consultants like you grow their marketing practice isn't just a business to us...

    Yours Truly, Jeanne & Bruce

    It's Our Passion!

    Jeanne and I formed this relationship years ago and while we wanted to make a good living, we also wanted to make a difference. Corny as it may sound, we still believe in extending a hand to deserving folks like you.

    Experts in the product selling arena tell us everyday we should be selling our training and software for much more. Some even call us 'nuts.' But honestly, our goal is not to make the most money, (it never was). Instead, it's to improve the most lives possible.

    Our daily task is to find markets that want SOLUTIONS and that make our business (and your business) easier and more profitable.

    We have always known, if we build the right solutions, the marketing consultant market will respond.

    "Bruce has been a valued advisor to our company for many years. In fact some of my earliest clients

    came as a result of his copy and coaching. If he's involved in a product or service, you'd be wise to grab it asap..." 

    ~Tom Gaddis - From The Sharks

    Is Pet Care Profits For Every Consultant?

    We have to break it to you...you may not be right for this opportunity.

    Here's why: First of all it takes a certain type of person to make self-employment a success. On top of that, you have to be more determined and have a bit thicker skin than a typical salaried employee.

    We can and will give you the most tools, training and support you've ever seen. You will not be alone, that's a promise...if you think that's fair then join up now.

    Now A Question...What If We're Right?

    You may be sitting there wondering if this can work for you... That's understandable since everything isn't right for everybody.

    Let's say we're wrong about this in your case. What's the worst that can happen? You've invested a little time, and a few dollars, learned plenty but realized it's not a market you feel right about. That's FAR, far cheaper than any other way you can dip your toe in the water.

    BUT, What if we're right? What if this strategy is what you've been looking for? What if it ends up turning everything around for you? What will you feel like then? You'll probably feel like it was the best decision you've made in years, right?


    Bonus #1: Veterinarian Trend Reports

    *Recent Trends in the Market for Veterinary Doctors

    *Trends in Fees and Reimbursement Rates for the Most Common Procedures performed on pets.

    Bonus #2: Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing - Video Course

    -20 AI Digital Marketing Images

    -25 Page Training Guide

    -7 AI In Digital Marketing Articles

    -11 Training Videos

    Being smart in business means knowing what’s just around the corner. It means thinking ahead and preparing for inevitable changes that will impact the way business is conducted. This is what allows a business to be resilient and to thrive in a changing environment.

    Bonus #3: Niche Marketing Secrets - Video Course

    -20 Niche Marketing Images

    -49 Page Training Guide

    -10 Niche Marketing Articles

    -11 Training Videos

    It’s very easy to get excited about niche marketing. After all, how can you argue with working only a few hours per week while enjoying a full week’s (or even a full month’s) income? As awesome as the idea of online passive niche marketing income may be, achieving this reality is another thing entirely.

    New or Experienced?

    It Doesn't Matter!

    Whether you’re brand new or an experienced pro, this is a chance to not only meet, but exceed, the income goals you’ve always had.

    Now's the time to finally build a safety net underneath your business AND discover everything you need to know about the Veterinary niche for local consultants.

    This Is Your Only Invitation,

    So Consider It Very Carefully!

    Listen closely...this is a PROVEN system...a system we've invested all year into figuring out. Now, it's ready for you to take a run with it.

    And since it has such an extremely high value... because you can use it to really kickstart your growth... and create the kind of lifestyle you've always dreamed about...you really can't afford to pass this up!

    This Is The Last Time

    You'll Get It At This Price!

    You see, we're not just teachers, we DOERS. We're disclosing EXACTLY the same process we use to attract Veterinarians, Kennels, Dog Trainers, dog walkers, pet sitting, pet boarding, dog groomers and more... to our agencies.

    Heck, even if we charged you $50,000 and you second-mortgaged your house, sold your car, and ate cheese sandwiches for months, it would still be a screaming bargain.

    In fact, if you don’t make back at least 10 times the tiny investment, in the next 12 months, sorry but you’re just slacking off.

    Now RELAX, It Isn't

    Going To Cost $50,000!

    (Although maybe it should cost that much.) And you won't pay even a one-tenth of that ($5,000), like private coaching clients have paid us over the years.

    ...Not $399

    ...Not $299

    ...Not $199

    ..Not even $99

    We crunched the the fee all the way down to...

    An Almost Embarrassing $37.

    Hey, that's all you'd pay for a dinner for two at Denny's with a tip...The smallest, most undercapitalized bootstrap entrepreneur can still afford that.

    If you do what we teach... your return on investment could be 500 times the fee, the first year ALONE!

    That's right, a six figure income is within your grasp.

    You're Running Out of Time!

    Here’s How to Avoid Missing Out...(If You Don’t Get This Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later.)

    Just click on the BUY NOW BUTTON below and join us.

    We're looking forward to welcoming you!

    Jeanne Kolenda

       Uncle Bruce

    PLUS: At checkout, be sure to take a look at the FE BUMP!

    Elevate Your Tumblr Strategy with Tumblr Trend Tracker!

    In the fast-paced world of social media, staying ahead of trends and understanding your audience is key to success. Introducing Tumblr Trend Tracker, your ultimate companion for navigating the dynamic landscape of Tumblr.

    Why Choose Tumblr Trend Tracker?

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    2. Competitor Analysis: Gain a competitive edge by analyzing your competitors' content strategies and performance. Discover what works for them, learn from their successes, and implement those insights into your own strategy.

    3. Content Optimization Suggestions: Boost your content's performance with tailored recommendations. We analyze user behavior and platform algorithms to provide actionable tips for optimizing your posts, ensuring maximum reach and engagement.

    4. Influencer Identification: Identify and connect with influential Tumblr users within your niche. Our tool helps you find the right collaborators and influencers to amplify your message and grow your audience.

    5. Viral Content Strategies: Unlock the secrets to virality with our expert advice. We highlight common themes and factors that contribute to shareable content, helping you create posts that resonate and spread like wildfire.

    6. Engagement Tactics: Foster a thriving community with our engagement tactics. Learn how to initiate conversations, respond to comments effectively, and encourage user-generated content to build a loyal and interactive follower base.

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    Transform Your Tumblr Presence:

    With Tumblr Trend Tracker, you'll have all the tools you need to stay ahead of trends, understand your audience, and create content that captivates and converts. Whether you're a brand, influencer, or content creator, our platform empowers you to make data-driven decisions and elevate your Tumblr strategy to new heights.

    Don't just follow trends – set them.

    [REFUND POLICY] Due to the nature of the digital assets in this offer, there are NO REFUNDS! When you purchase, you can't exactly "give them back." And why would you, anyways?

    Also, please be advised that you cannot resell the social media graphics to your clients. You do have a license to post the graphics on your client's social media and websites.

    For Support Contact: [email protected]

    That will take you to our support desk which is monitored constantly. You can expect a reply typically on the same day.

    Content Paid and Sponsored by: Pet Profits AI


    **This page receives compensation for clicks on or purchase of products featured on this site.

    *Earnings and income representations made by Jeanne Kolenda and Bruce NewMedia are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results The sales figures stated above are our personal sales figures and those of students that worked extremely hard. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of doing internet marketing for 10+ years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who follows any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you

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